Title: Lucky For Some Author: angelikitten Wordcount: 200 Rating: Adult. Ish. Summary: Robin's not a bad person, but he knows how to turn a situation to his advantage.
Disclaimer: Seriously, DO NOT OWN. Author's Note: My drabble-fu is weak today - I was aiming for 100 words XD
Title: The Bat Trap Author: angelikitten Wordcount: 1078 Rating: Adult Summary: There’s more than one plan at work, and only one can work.
Disclaimer: Seriously, DO NOT OWN. Authors' Note #1: The last part of the Operation: Get Robin A (Bat)Man story arc. Sorry it took so long! Authors' Note #2: Sid would be the 'bad man' from my last story. I had
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Title: Sixty-Nine Author: Caia Wordcount: 937 Rating: Adult. Summary: Lex Luthor's sixty-ninth birthday party! A/N: Lex debuted in 1940, which makes him sixty-nine this year. But the birthday guests and setting for this fic are Superdictionary era (c. 1970s) rather than modern.
Title: The Best Laid Plans Author: angelikitten Wordcount: 372 Rating: PG? Summary: Atom really didn’t think that the perils of being small would enter into the equation.